Winston’s backstory in John Wick explained

 John Wick is a popular film series in Hollywood of the action-thriller genre. It was directed by Chad Stahelski and released in 2014. The title of the movie is on the name of a serial contract killer, John Wick. In the film, John Wick: Chapter 1, John wanted to live a healthy peaceful life after leaving the world of crimes and killings along with a puppy that was gifted to him by his demised wife. But a group of people entered into the home of John Wick at the time of night, murdered his dog, and injured him as well. This incident dragged John Wick into the killing business once again. The famous Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves played the role of John Wick in this film series.

Ian McShane has played a vital role in this film as Winston. He was the proprietor of the Continental Hotel, New York branch. These hotels were established everywhere in the world as a one-stop place for all the hunters and the hunted. These hotels had enormous weapons and ammunition that they provided to their associates like John Wick and many others. Winston played a significant role in all the three parts of John Wick.

Here we will explore the backstory of Winston in the John Wick Trilogy.

Other characters’ respect demonstrates Winston’s skills

Winston did not fight in the same way as John Wick, but still, everyone had respect for Winston because of his leadership and impeccable loyalty towards his work. He spoke very less and commanded in the right way and showed excellent skills in the film. Everyone in the movie had respect for Winston because they knew who he is and where he came from. It is in the same way that everybody was afraid of John Wick.

Winston defines himself by running a Continental location 

Winston always wanted to run the Continental New York and fought so hard to retain his lordship over it. He remained in a respected and feared status with the High Table. In the last part of John Wick, Winston had to leave his proprietary because he broke a rule against the High Table, but he tricked John Wick to retain the Continental. After-all he was running the hotel from the last forty years, and it was not possible for him to throw it within thirty seconds. This shows that he wanted to retain the Continental Hotel desperately.

The phone call Winston made in John Wick 2 spoke volumes

At the end of the film, John Wick 2, John met with Winston at Bethesda Fountain and was being told by Winston about the problems he would have to suffer further. After this, Winston made a phone call to make John Wick an excommunicado, and he gave an identification number to authorize the order. The identification number was 11111. This number seemed to be ordinary, and Winston was handling this business for several years. Therefore, the identification number could have been more strong.

Winston’s relationship with John, and what John Wick 4 & 5 may bring

In the starting of John Wick, Winston was seen in a friendly relationship with John Wick, but now it has ended. Winston was fond of John Wick, which is the question arising in the heads of fans. John and Winston had different personalities. John was short-tempered while Winston was a cool-headed personality. Winston continuously broke the rules for the sake of John Wick until he was forced to declare him as an excommunicado. The franchise has not shown us the backstory of the relationship between John Wick and Winston. Fans are waiting to get this puzzle solved in the upcoming fourth and fifth part of the series, whether Winston has helped John once again, or he has betrayed him. After discussing and exploring the role of Winston in the John Wick series, we can conclude that he was another reputed and dangerous leader of this killing universe and also a great proprietor of the Continental Hotel.

Source-John Wick explained


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